The 2040 Comprehensive Plan represents the Sumter community’s collective land use vision for the future. The Plan is the product of an 18-month public process. It is the policy document which guides where Sumter will develop, how it will develop, and what that development will look like. By definition, it is the deliberative design and development consensus of Sumter’s citizens, businesses, and elected decision makers.
The Plan is mandated by South Carolina State Law: the Planning Enabling Legislation found in Chapter 29 of the South Carolina Code of Law. By law, Sumter must update its comprehensive plan every 10 years.
The purpose of the Sumter 2040 Comprehensive Plan is to direct and guide growth in both the City of Sumter and Sumter County. As such, it is aspirational expression of our vision through policy. The Plan is not a regulatory document nor is it a book of law. Strict over-interpretation should be avoided in lieu of a broader spirit. This Plan – its policies and maps – are not intended to be parcel specific and should not be applied so acutely.
The planning process for the 2040 Comprehensive Plan has been thoroughly public, beginning with a citizen survey in June 2018. Additionally, open public meetings, stakeholder engagement meetings, and displays at various community events were carried out in order to receive public input into the planning process.
The Sumter 2040 Comprehensive Plan is listed on this page by section.
Future Land Use Maps
Future Land Use Map — City (Adopted 12/3/19)
Future Land Use Map — County (Adopted 12/10/19)
Please send your comments or questions to the Planning Director at [email protected].