City Council appoints citizens periodically to the following boards and committees:
- Accommodations Tax Advisory Committee (2 year term)
- Airport Commission (4 year term)
- Building Board of Appeals (4 year term)
- City of Sumter Housing and Economic Development Corporation (CHDO) (3 year term)
- Community Development Housing Board (4 year term)
- Downtown Sumter Committee (4 year term)
- Historic Preservation Design Review Committee (4 year term)
- Housing Authority Board (5 year term)
- Iris Festival Commission (4 year term)
- Litter Advisory Committee
- Sumter City-County Planning Commission (4 year term)
- Sumter Development Board
- Stormwater Management and Sediment Control Appeals Board (3 year term)
- Zoning Board of Appeals (4 year term)
Individuals interested in volunteering for a committee must complete our Citizens Form for Service Form.
Serving on a City of Sumter commission, board, or committee is one of the most effective ways for citizens to influence City policies and activities. Volunteering provides an opportunity for citizen participation in the process of government. Being a committee member also serves as a training ground for citizens to learn and increase their knowledge and skills by working with a variety of people on issues that might not otherwise be a part of their private lives.
To be eligible for an appointment, volunteers must have an interest or knowledge in the committee’s subject matter. Volunteers should also be available to meet at the committee’s regular meeting time. Residency in the City of Sumter may be required.