Go Green on Earth Day!
Sumter Green encourages earth-friendly vendors and organizations that promote actions and opportunities for a healthier planet through education, product information, and plant & flowers to participate in ART IN THE PARK! This outdoor event has a special area just for Earth Day! This great annual event is held at the Historic Memorial Park in Sumter, SC (accessible from N. Salem Street). The HSNA offer's this one-day event each year in April!
See what all is happening at ART IN THE PARK!
Want to be a vendor?
They are always looking for vendors to help expand the Earth Day efforts. Do you sell flowers or plants, promote earth-friendly or renewable products or services or have another green initiative that you'd like to share with the Sumter community? ***There is no charge for a 10’ x 12’ GREEN spot; however, if you are planning to attend, each participant must complete an application at the link above.
If you have any questions, please contact Heart of Sumter Neighborhood Association by emailing them at [email protected]