News & Media

The City of Sumter works to ensure residents receive as much information as possible about all things relating to the City in a timely manner. In the News Room, you will find official press releases from the City, awards to the City, important services and project information from the Mayor, public service announcements, official city photos, links to social media accounts and more.

Links to Official City of Sumter Social Media Pages:


City of Sumter's Social Media Comment Policy (PDF)



The City of Sumter is an Entitlement Community. This Entitlement status affords the City the opportunity of receiving Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds on an annual basis. The purpose of the funds is to improve the neighborhoods and make life more livable for residents; especially...Read more


Tropical Storm Ian Announcements (newest updates listed first, by date and time):

Friday, September 30, 2022, 5:30PM

Staff continues to work throughout the city to clear streets of down trees and other debris. As the storm passes, please use extreme caution, more outages, trees...Read more


The City of Sumter is conducting a smoke test of its sanitary sewer system in the following Subdivisions, starting today, September 20, 2022:

Stafford Meadows Patriot Parkway Loringwood Landmark Point

A “SMOKE TEST” survey will assist our inspection crews in locating breaks and defects...Read more


Mayor Merchant, along with City Litter Officer and Clemson Extension met with Sumter School District today to deliver the first of 30 STEM Litter Lesson Kits to help teach our youth about the effects of litter.

Kits will be delivered to all K-5 Schools in Sumter, including private...Read more


The City of Sumter's Summer Youth Employment Program has successfully served the Sumter community since 1994, reaching well over 2,000 families in its lifetime.

Utilizing Rescue Act and Community Development Block Grant Funding, we have been able to add a training component alongside the...Read more

The Communications Department at the City of Sumter is charged with providing news and information to council, administration, departments, dignitaries and elected officials, community and local, regional and national media outlets. The Communications Department fields all questions from the media and provides opportunities for interviews with leadership and experts on specific topics, as well as provides media support for many events, activities, and services throughout the community.

Additionally, the communications department tells the story of the City of Sumter through written stories, photos and videos on the more than 30 departments across the city, provides support to Team Sumter and oversees the City of Sumter's social media pages, the city website and the city's employee portal.

Use of any City of Sumter logos or seal is reserved for official City of Sumter business only.