
Our Mission is to Serve You

The Sumter City-County Planning Department provides responsive, efficient, factual, balanced, and transparent land use expertise to the citizens, property owners, businesses and public officials of the entire Sumter Community.

In doing so we:

  • Ensure that the land use process is fair, open and clear
  • Implement land use regulations in a uniform and reliable manner
  • Develop Tools and Strategies for the City of Sumter and Sumter County’s future growth and revitalization that are sensible, economically sustainable, and environmentally sensitive
  • Know that we work for YOU:  neighbors and businesses, citizens and officials, advocates and land owners, equally deserving of respect, prompt attention, and diligence.

The major services provided by the Sumter City-County Planning Department are:

  • Rezoning and Land Use: Support, inquires, and guidance regarding land use in accordance with the City and County Zoning and Development Standards Ordinances
  • Shaw-Sumter Joint Land UseSupport, inquires, and guidance including area around Shaw Air Force Base and the Poinsett Electronic Combat Range
  • Commercial and Industrial Site Plan Approval: Review and approval of site plans for all commercial and industrial developments
  • Subdivision ApprovalApproval for survey plats.
  • Floodplain ManagementInformation, rules, and code compliance
  • Mobile/Manufactured Home Moving PermitsCertifications and Mobile Home Moving Permits for all manufactured / mobile homes moved
  • Temporary UsesRegulations and permits for a variety of temporary uses
  • Signs: Permits for all signs except one per parcel based on zoning (special instructions are provided for size and location of all signs)

Rezoning/Land Use

All land use for the City and County of Sumter is governed by the Zoning and Development Standards Ordinances for each jurisdiction. The Sumter City-County Planning Department maintains and implements both Ordinances.

Any requests for zoning or ordinance text changes will go through the Planning Department by consultation and the submission of the proper request and appropriate fee. The full range of forms with fee included on the forms are attached.

Additionally, Conditional Use requests and any inquires for Business License issues should be addressed to the Planning Staff.

Subdivision of Property/Plats

The Planning Department and the Sumter City-County Planning Commission reviews all changes to property boundaries (plats) for the City of Sumter and Sumter County. Plats are reviewed for compliance with zoning and subdivisions standards as published in the appropriate Zoning and Development Standards Ordinance.

Major subdivisions and major site plans require Planning Commission approval while the Staff does all minor subdivisions, site plans, and plats for approved major subdivisions.

In accordance with state and local laws, an approved and recorded plat is required before property may be sold or transferred.  Plats may also be required for Building Permits and/or on-site wastewater (septic tank) installation approval.

Variances to subdivision regulations are considered by the Planning Commission and/or Planning Staff.

See City and County Zoning and Development Standards Ordinances.

Floodplain Management

Sumter has over 4,000 parcels and 90,000 acres in designated Special Flood Hazard areas (SFHA) that require special permitting actions.

The Zoning Administrator is the Floodplain Manager for the City and County of Sumter and is responsible for all actions associated with the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and the Community Rating System (CRS).

The Planning Department houses and maintains the required FEMA documents and material including submitted elevation certificates, FIRM maps, LOMRs and other adjustments to the FIRMs, and digital maps to help citizens determine floodplain boundaries and required actions.

For information regarding floodplain administration, please contact Jeff Derwort, Zoning Administrator, at (803) 774-1611.

Mobile / Manufactured Home Placement and Installation Permits

The Sumter City-County Planning Department and the Sumter County Assessor's office issue the certifications and permits necessary to move and site a mobile / manufactured home in both the City of Sumter and Sumter County. (Modular Homes with proper documentation are permitted using the same procedures for site built homes). 

A fact sheet covering key details on the process for move and installation is available by clicking here.

The Planning Department issues a Placement Certification, the Building Department issues an Installation Permit, and the Tax Assessor issues a Moving Permit.  All 3 approvals are required prior to moving a mobile / manufactured home to a new site in the City or County.

Contact the Planning Department at (803) 774-1660 or [email protected] with questions and to review site plans and parcel zoning.

Temporary Uses

Temporary Uses for Sumter City and County are controlled by the appropriate Zoning and Development Standards Ordinance and reviewed and permitted by the Planning Staff. All temporary use rules and guide lines are contained in Article 5.c of the Zoning Ordinances. Fees for the different temporary uses are attached as part of the Planning Fees. 

Early contact with the Planning Department Staff will answer all questions and help avoid major conflicts. 


All signs are regulated by the City and County Zoning and Development Standards Ordinances.  Most have permits and fees associated with them, while almost all have time, manner, and place rules. 

Please contact Planning Staff as soon as possible with all questions relating to sign permits and fees.