Palmetto Tennis Center’s First Serve Program is a scholarship program designed to provide an opportunity for Low to Moderate-income children between the ages of 5-18 to experience tennis.
Playing tennis in a fun, challenging and competitive environment that helps grow character while improving and maintaining physical and mental health, strength, and agility.
First Serve players will participate in Palmetto Tennis Center’s regularly scheduled summer programming. Any unused slots will reopen for public registration.

If there are more applications than available slots, the center will provide a field trip session for ages 5-10 and 11-18 at $3 per child.
First Serve breaks down to an average of $240 per child, depending on age. The First Serve Summer Lesson Program is 16 lessons per child and includes a Wilson racquet, or there is also a 5-Day Summer Camp from 9am-Noon which also includes a Wilson racquet.
Application requirements include: parent/guardian’s contact information, current utility bill, driver’s license and a current financial statement.
or visit the Community Development Office located inside the Liberty Center at 12 W. Liberty Street, Suite 4.