The City of Sumter actively works to create partnerships with local businesses and organizations.
We do this by:
- Investing in our people and infrastructure through professional employee development, workforce training, economic development, our community infrastructure, and community-wide public events.
- Inviting people, businesses, and organizations to be an active part of the community through tourism, military affairs, industrial recruitment, and young professionals.
- Serving our citizens and visitors by providing first-class connections and care whenever possible through public safety, utilities, sanitation services, planning, building inspection services, public health, and recreational venues.
Office of Partnerships
Partnerships - Innovation and Sustainability
Public-Private Partnership is progressive collaboration to strengthen our environment, health, social goals, and economic developmental trust.
The people of Sumter are our best investment
Susan H. Wild
Director of Partnerships
PO Box 1449
Sumter, SC 29151
803-774-1651 or [email protected]