- Council re-addressed the 2016-17 Community Development Block Grant Entitlement Budget. The City didn’t receive as many funds as previously scheduled, so we had to re-adjust to reflect those changes. Those programs receiving funds, such as sewer improvements, demolition program, Youth Employment, YMCA Youth Services, Wateree Aids Task Force and United Ministries will NOT be affected by the budget cuts. We did however; reduce expenditures in the administration of the program as well as the city’s housing repair funds.
- Council approved a resolution for the construction of a new municipal parking garage. This garage will be built in conjunction with the new Hyatt Place Downtown hotel.
- Council approved to annex 3.34 acres of property for the redevelopment of a Popeye’s restaurant and multi-use retail building at 1177 Broad Street.
- Council has designated the month of April as Fair Housing Month and recognizes this month as the 25th anniversary of the Home Investment Partnership (HOME) Program. The Council desires that all our citizens be offered the opportunity to attain a decent, safe and sanitary living environment and rejects discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, religion, ancestral status and disability.
- Council approved first reading to amend and restate standards and policies for new development within the City. The ordinance recognizes that development is positive it also takes into account the best interests in our residents and allows for continued, orderly development in the City.
- Council approved on the installation of temporary outdoor dining facilities on public sidewalks, other land owned by the City and in public rights of way. While sidewalk cades are indicators of a vibrant downtown, care is necessary to ensure that the pedestrian access is preserved and welfare of all citizens is protected.
- Council approved to move forward with resurfacing the following City streets, with a cost of approximate 500 thousand dollars:
- Archdale Drive
- Hoyt Heights
- Gable Street
- L Street
- Hannah Court
- Commander Court
- Mary Street
- Hasel Street
- Hospital Circle
- Yeadon Street
- W. Glouchester Court
- St. Augustine & Hermitage Drive
- Wesley Hall
- Stonehedge Court
- Covington Street
Other News & Announcements:
- The State of South Carolina is also resurfacing several state owned streets within the City, with a costs of over 1 million dollars, including:
- Kilgo & Providence
- President & Middle
- Willis Street
- Peace Avenue
- Washington Street
- Sumter Street
- Hampton Avenue
- Milton Road
- Jackson Street
- Anne Park
- Wactor Street
- Edgewater Drive
- Ellen & Vivian
- Mattison Avenue
- If you have a child, ages 5-18, and they are interested in joining the City of Sumter Swim Team “Stealth Swimmers” visit the city’s website or the Aquatics Center at 1115 S. Lafayette Drive or call 774-3998.
- South Carolina has adopted the 2015 International Residential and Business Building Codes, which are updated every three years. Sumter’s codes will reflect these changes and will be applied as of July 1, 2016. The Building Office will be hosting educational training on Sumter’s codes starting in May. For more information please contact the building department at 803-774-1600.
- The City has currently under construction a new water plant off Highway 521 South. This new plant will bring greater redundancy to our system and it will assist in attracting additional industrial development to the Pocotaligo Industrial Park, as industrial clients are looking for “site ready” locations.
- Upcoming projects, some of which have begun, in the City include:
- Waterline extension along Loring Mill Road, to tie two waterlines together.
- Anne Park Sewer project which will replace existing sewer main.
- Relocate the Haynsworth Storm drain line.
- New community capital projects (Penny for Progress projects) have or are launching soon, including:
- A new E911 Radio project; the purchasing and programming of more than 900 radios for Law Enforcement, Fire, and EMS services. In conjunction with this project will be the installation of two new radio towers to improve the range and coverage for emergency radio service in Sumter County.
- The construction of a new Police and Fire Department Headquarters will commence in summer 2016.
- The installation of baseball field lights at Palmetto Park has begun, so completion will be prior to 2016 youth baseball season.
- Central Carolina Technical College will begin renovations on the Industrial Building on Miller Road.
- Additional projects from the Penny for Progress list will begin their engineer and design phase prior to construction throughout the year.
- For a full list of the Penny for Progress projects, visit www.pennyforprogress.com.