- At the end of August, the City was finally able to host a Swearing In Ceremony for our three Council members who were elected in November 2022. Congratulations to Councilman Anthony Gibson of Ward 1, Councilman Calvin Hastie of Ward 3, and Councilman Colin Davis of Ward 5. Due to a challenge of the election results, we have been unable to hold the official ceremony. However, in August we were notified that the challenge was concluded.
- At our September 5th meeting, now that we have a full Council, City Council also voted to appoint Councilman James Blassingame as Sumter's Mayor Pro Tempore. Councilman Blassingame represents City Ward 2 and was first elected to City Council in 2020. Councilman Blassingame will act as mayor pro tempore (or what they call pro tem or vice mayor) in the absence of the actual mayor at official city functions. If you would like to request the Mayor or City Council’s participation in your event or function, please call 803-436-2500.
- Mayor Merchant recognized this week as Adult Education and Family Literacy (AEFL) Week. Adult education transforms lives and is a vital contributor to the strength and resilience of a community, and therefore deserves utmost attention and support from communities and community leaders to advocate for its improvement. Mayor Merchant calls upon all our citizens, schools, libraries, businesses, and elected officials to increase awareness and understanding of the importance of adult education for the betterment of the entire community and to strongly support adult education initiatives.
- Downtown Sumter Fourth Fridays Concerts last Friday for 2023 is September 22. This month the band is the very popular Terence Lonon and the Untouchables. For this R&B band you will certainly need your dancing shoes! Admission is Free. Concerts start at 6:30 PM and food and beverage will be available for purchase at local restaurants and some additional food trucks to help meet demand. There are children’s activities at each evening too. Bring your blankets and chairs, but no coolers, please.
- For those that live on Shaw AFB, remember you have a free shuttle service available to you for the 4th Friday Concerts. The shuttle will pick up at Carolina Skies and the dorms at 6 PM and approximately 8:30 PM, and then drop off in Downtown Sumter. The shuttle will return to Shaw at 8 PM, 10:30 PM and again at 11 PM. This free shuttle is brought to you by the Santee-Wateree Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) and the Sumter Visitors Center. This shuttle is open to all active-duty military and families that live on Shaw AFB. All riders must have a current ID with base access.
- We are currently working on several upgrades and new projects, including, but not limited to:
- The newest city park -- the South Sumter Art Park in Ward 3. This park will be built at the corner of Manning Avenue and Orange Street and will feature vibrant art-inspired basketball courts and an ADA-compliant playground as well as an outdoor pavilion and restrooms. The courts will also feature a large artist wall mural, where the city hopes to connect with local artists to showcase some of our own homegrown talents by connecting it with the existing Art and murals in the Downtown area as well as along Manning Avenue.
- Riley Park in Ward 4, the upgrades will bring the field up to NCAA safety standards with new netting, padding to protect players and patrons, and an upgraded grandstand area. We’ll also be redoing the field by adding synthetic turf to provide positive drainage while improving playability and more.
- Additionally, in Ward 4 we are working on more specific plans for improvements to Memorial Park restrooms, playground, park landscaping, and more. More details on this park and others are coming soon.
- Learn to play the fastest-growing sport in America – Pickleball! The Palmetto Tennis Center (PTC) is offering classes, on Tuesdays and Thursdays beginning September 26 at 7:15PM. These classes are open to all beginning and intermediate players and taught by a Pickleball Pro -- paddles may be borrowed at the PTC during your sessions. Cost is $60 per player. Sign up at the PTC Pro Shop or call their office for more info at 803-774-2969. Space is limited so sign up today!
- Join us in welcoming the players in the International Tennis Association's NCAA Division 2 Southeast Regional Championship this weekend at the Palmetto Tennis Center. Over 150 of the top collegiate Men and Women players from across the Southeastern U.S. are in Sumter this week to play in the championship in hopes of advancing into the National Championships and ITA Cup. Admission is free! For more information, please call 803-774-3969.
- Call for entry opens for two art contests. For more information contact the Visitors Center at 803-436-2640:
- The annual Mayor's Christmas Card Competition is on again! Elementary and Middle School students from schools in the Sumter School District are asked to draw or paint a Christmas scene that they feel reflects what Christmas means to them. The winning entry from each category will be printed onto Christmas Cards with the student’s name, year, and school printed on the back side of the card. Winning entries will be recognized at the annual Fantasy of Lights Opening Ceremony, have their art turned into a light display during the 2023 Fantasy of Lights all month long, and be recognized at City Council. All rules and the application are disseminated through the Sumter Schools and are available now. The Mayor's Christmas Card Contest is in partnership with the Sumter School District and FTC.
- The City of Sumter recognizes that students are creative and care about the environment. The 2nd annual 2024 Love Where You Live Litter Poster Contest is here to help spread the word about our Community Clean-Up Days and to show Sumter a little love by not littering. Our 2024 poster contest is available to any Sumter K-12th grade student - in public, private, and homeschool programs. Three winning pieces will be selected, one from each the Elementary, Middle, and High school grades. The three (3) winning pieces will become the designs for our 2024 poster, distributed to businesses and other facilities around the entire Sumter community throughout the year. All rules and the application are available on our website at sumtersc.gov/litter. The same is being disseminated throughout all schools now. The Love Where You Live Litter Poster Contest is in partnership with the Greater Sumter Chamber of Commerce and Palmetto Pride.
- We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our volunteers for our litter cleanups this year. The August community-wide clean-up removed approximately 7000 lbs of trash from our roads and rights of way. Additionally, the city partnered with the state’s Beach Sweep River Sweep program and Sumter High School, where students removed an additional 533 lbs of trash from Lake Marion and surrounding trails in Sumter County over this past weekend. Our next community clean-up day is scheduled for Saturday, October 21st. For more info or to participate contact our Codes Department or visit sumtersc.gov/litter.
- The City of Sumter has partnered with Tandem Health to promote the “Walk with a Doc” program. It is held every first Saturday of the month at Swan Lake’s Heath Pavilion. This is a chance for the community to get some exercise and have open discussions with a doctor -- to talk or ask anything. The next walk will be held on October 7th at 9AM, and this event is open and free to the public.
- City Council approved 2023 resurfacing projects for City Streets, including:
- Beach Forest Drive, Ward 1
- Blenhein Court, Ward 2
- Chesterfield Drive, Ward 2
- Heather Court, Ward 2
- McClure Drive, Ward 5
- Pinnacle Court, Ward 2
- Deerfield Subdivision, to include E. Glouchester Court, E. Glouchester Drive, Portsmouth Drive, Anson Court, and Tradd Circle, Ward 5
- Rolling Creek Drive, to include Stillwater Court, Sandy Run Drive, and Riverside Drive, Ward 3
- Tudor Place, to include Preot Street, Arnaud Street, and Grimble Court, Ward 6
- City Council also approved 2023 resurfacing projects for State Streets, including:
- Dixie Drive, Ward 1
- Lawson Street, Ward 3
- Mathis Street, Ward 3
- Peach Street, Ward 4
- Pear Street, Ward 4
- Rowland Avenue, Ward 4
- Sanders Drive, Ward 3
- Webb Avenue, Ward 3
- Williams Street, Ward 3
- Woodlawn Avenue, Ward 1
- Our October regularly scheduled City Council meetings will be on Tuesday, October 3rd at 1 PM and Tuesday, October 17th at 5:30 PM. If you can’t make a meeting public comments may also be submitted online anytime through our website at sumtersc.gov/council/meetings or city residents can contact the Mayor or their Council Representative any time prior to any meeting to discuss a concern or idea.