- The City held four public hearings this month, to receive public comments on the following ordinances, all of which come with the Planning Commissions recommendation:
- To allow for the development of detached single-family residential units in Hampshire Estates located on Alice Drive Extension. This is not a new development. Most lots in this subdivision today are built with townhomes. If approved this change would allow detached single-family residential units to be intermixed with current development.
- To rezone a 5.09-acre parcel, located on Electric Drive from heavy industrial to light industrial warehousing. This is a property adjacent to the new Sumter Health Behavioral Services. which will be used as treatment, prevention, alternative Services and Administration for the
- To amend the City’s ordinance to include craft beer breweries as a permitted use in the central business district. The current ordinance only allows craft brewers in industrial zones. The change would amend the definition to state that craft beer brewery is an establishment that is primarily engaged in producing malt beverages for both on and off-site consumption, and may include retail or food service as an accessory use. A craft beer brewery must include taproom facilities for on-site consumption and may not produce more than 10,000 barrels of beer annually.
- To amend professional office districts to include kidney dialysis centers. Professional office districts currently allow a variety of medical uses; however, the exact term of kidney dialysis center isn’t explicit. This would help clarify the zoning district.
- City Council approved two maintenance guarantee agreements with Pocalla Springs Subdivision, Phase 4, Section 3 and with Wood Ridge Subdivision, Phase 2. Because our infrastructure is intertwined across the city, these are agreements with developers and subdivisions help to protect city assets, such as water, sewer, stormwater and road infrastructure. They provide guarantees that the new development will meet industry standards and will not fail.
- City Council approved the lease-purchase of the various equipment for the fire and public services department. Most of this is rolling stock and is replacing older equipment.:
- Fire Department Pumper Truck
- Fire Department Brush Truck
- Clam Truck
- Shuttle Truck
- Read Loader Garbage Truck
- Trash Trailer
- Track Leader and attachments
- Fire Airpacks
- Red Cross representatives presented plaques to theSumter Fire Department for their ongoing work as part of the ‘Sound the Alarm, Save a Life’ campaign and partnership to get smoke detectors in homes in Sumter. In 2018, a Dalzell family of five and a Sumter family of three were saved by a smoke detector. If you need a smoke detector or know of someone who needs them, please call our Fire Headquarters at 803-436-2600 and they’ll come out to your home to do an assessment and install for free!
- April is Fair Housing Month and the City recognizes this month as the 28th anniversary of the Home Investment Partnership (HOME) Program. We desire that all our citizens be offered the opportunity to attain a decent, safe and sanitary living environment and rejects discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, religion, ancestral status and disability. For more information on housing programs contact our Community Development office at 803-774-1649.
- The City of Sumter’s Utility Billing Office has officially relocated to its newly constructed facility at 130 South Harvin Street. The office officially opened on Monday, March 18. All in-person, drop-off and drive-thru account services (water, sewer, sanitation and stormwater) are accepted at this new location. If you need additional information or account services support, please contact our Utility Billing Office at (803) 436-2541.
- The City of Sumter will be hosting its second series of public meetings for the development of a Downtown Sumter Master Plan, April 1-3, 2019. This plan will be first of its kind for the Downtown Sumter area. The series of meetings will include both public drop-ins, designed for target community groups as well as open houses where consultants will be presenting information on topics such as land use & design, economic analysis, transportation among others. The public is invited to attend any of these sessions. All meetings will be hosted at the City Centre, located beside the Sumter Opera House. The Schedules is as follows:
Public Drop-ins:
Monday, April 1, 1-5PM
Tuesday, April 2, 9AM-12PM
Tuesday, April 2, 1PM-5PM
Wednesday, April 3, 9AM-12PM
Open Houses:
Monday, April 1, 6-8PM
Wednesday, April 3, 6-8PM
- There is also a downtown master plan public survey open to the public online, at downtownsumter.org. The survey will be open until April 5.
- Santee-Lynches Regional Council of Governments is conducting a needs assessment for Santee-Wateree Regional Transportation Authority. The purpose is to gather as much ground-truth about the needs and attitudes toward transportation across our four-county region of Clarendon, Kershaw, Lee and Sumter. Please share with employees and customers as you are able. The more input we gather the better the more you will see positive impacts once the plan is implemented. Even if you do not need public transit to travel, your opinions are needed and desired. It takes about 5-6 minutes to complete. Click on the link above to complete. surveymonkey.com/r/swrta(or link from our Facebook page).
- Are you ready for warmer weather? The City’s Aquatics Center will be starting beginner, intermediate and advanced swim programs soon.Sign up today by calling the center at 803-774-3998 or visit their website at sumterswim.com.
- Let’s talk tennis! The Palmetto Tennis Center is currently hosting beginner, intermediate and advanced Adult and Youth Programs. Recreation play is free and available seven days a week, while courts are available. Call our professional staff at 803-774-3969 or visit sumtertennis.com.
- Regular City Council meetings are held in the Council Chambers on the 4th floor of the Opera House. City residents are encouraged to attend. Next month our meetings will be on April 2 at 1 PM and April 16 at 5:30 PM.