Sumter Urban Area Transportation Study (SUATS) is providing public notification on the Office of Public Transit (OPT) funding plan for SWRTA vehicle and facility needs assessment.
Recently, Federal Transit Administration (FTA), pursuant to The MAP-21 legislation (Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act), appropriated FY 2015 funding for Sumter in the amount of $873,472.
SWRTA intends to spend $559,022 for operation such as wages, benefits, supplies, fuels, and materials, preventive maintenance such as maintenance staff salaries, benefits and parts on its transit fleet and $314,450 for transit enhancements such as signs, shelters, and landscaping. Public can send comments on these intended use of federal funds to Allan Yu, Senior Transportation Planner, Sumter Urban Area Transportation Study Metropolitan Planning Organization, PO Box 1449, 12 W Liberty Street, Sumter, SC 29150 or email to [email protected] by November 30, 2015.