October 5, 2011, has been designated as “International Walk to School Day”. Hundreds of children could be saved each year if communities take steps to make pedestrian safety a priority. A lack of physical activity plays a leading role in rising rates of obesity, diabetes and other health problems among children. Walking or bicycling to school offers an opportunity to build activity into daily routines and reduce traffic congestion and air pollution. An important role for parents and caregivers is to teach children about pedestrian safety and become aware of the difficulties and dangers that children face on their trip to school each day, including health and environmental risks related to physical inactivity and air pollution. Community leaders and parents can determine the “walkability” of their community by using a walkability checklist. Community members and leaders should develop a plan to make immediate changes to enable children to safely walk and bicycle in their communities and develop a list of suggestions for improvements that can be done over time. Children, parents and community leaders around the world are joining together to walk to school and evaluate walking and bicycling conditions in their communities.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT I, Joseph T. McElveen, Jr., Mayor of the City of Sumter, do hereby proclaim October 5, 2011 as
in the
and encourage everyone to consider the safety and health of our children today and everyday.
Joseph T. McElveen, Jr., Mayor