- Our SUATS MPO is hosting a public Open House on Wednesday, November 16 at 5:30 PM at the CCTC Health Sciences Center located at 133 S. Main Street. This is the first of its kind study for Sumter that will create a guide for expanding the bicycle and pedestrian network in the Sumter area and we want to know what and where Sumter residents want to see these areas improved around our community. For more info visit sumtersc.gov/walkbike.
- Council held a public hearing to help establish the 2023-24 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding plan. This is a federal grant that we receive each year, with the purpose of improving neighborhoods and making life more livable for residents; especially those whose income falls within the HUD Income Limits and are considered low-moderate-income citizens. While not all projects suggested by the community will fall under the funding limits of the CBDG, we do our best to make sure that all projects are addressed as needed and look for additional funding sources to help with others as we move forward.
- There are several runoff races as part of the election cycle coming up this week.
- The four Sumter school board races that will have a runoff are the new districts 1, 2, 4 and 8.
- Sumter City Council Ward 1 will also feature a runoff.
- The run-off date for the election is Tuesday, November 22 from 7 AM – 7 PM at your designated polling location on your voter registration card.
- Early voting will also be available Wednesday, November 16 through Friday, November 18 at the old Sumter County Courthouse, 141 N. Main St., and at the former F.J. DeLaine Elementary School, 5355 Cane Savannah Road, Wedgefield. Hours of operation at both sites for early voting days will be 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- Next week is the Thanksgiving holiday. A reminder that City administrative offices are closed on Thursday and Friday next week.
- The City has more projects ongoing, including:
- We will be hosting a ribbon-cutting ceremony on Thursday, November 18 at 11 AM to officially open the new basketball courts at Crosswell Park. More park improvements and amenities are coming across the city.
- Working with the local Rotary clubs who held a fundraiser for the project, the City just released a bid to new contractors for the redevelopment of Rotary Centennial Plaza in Downtown Sumter.
- While more events are listed on our website calendar at sumtersc.gov. Some highlights of the current community calendar are:
- The Sumter County Museum’s annual fundraiser, the Carolina Backcountry Oyster Roast is happening this Thursday from 6-9 PM. Tickets are $50 for museum members or $60 for non-members. Enjoy all-you-can-eat oysters, barbecue, chili, collards, beer, wine and soft drinks. Tickets are only available in advance by calling (803) 775-0908 or visiting sumtercountymuseum.org to purchase.
- An Evening of Comedy with The Karens at the Sumter Opera House Friday, November 18. Karen Mills and Karen Morgan join together to bring you an evening of comedy filled with lots of laughter and zero toxic behavior. Tickets range from $29 to $35 and are available online at sumteroperahouse.com.
- The Columbia City Ballet is hosting The Nutcracker this Saturday, November 19th at Patriot Hall. This holiday family tradition is one of the longest-running annual arts events with shows at 3 PM and again at 7:30 PM. Tickets are $25-30 each and are available online through our community calendar at sumtersc.gov/calendar.
- The 12th annual Silver Bells Art and Craft Show is this weekend, November 19th & 20th. This is a great time to shop for the upcoming holidays, by visiting with area arts and craft vendors. The event time is Saturday from 9-6 and Sunday from 12-4. Admission is free for all shoppers. They will also be accepting toys for tots, and a local photographer will be available on Sunday to take your children’s photo with Santa ($10 fee).
- Start Thanksgiving off the right way with a run or walk at the YMCA’s Annual Turkey Trot on Thursday, November 24th. Bring your family, friends, and your pets as we celebrate health and blessings for the 40th year! Registration begins at 8 AM and the race begins at 9 AM.
- The Gobbler Dash is returning this year, with t-shirts and trophies for the kids. This route will be different and all on the Shot Pouch Trail for kids 6-9 and supervised by YMCA staff.
- Get your wreath ready for the holidays on Wednesday, November 30th from 11 AM-1 PM at the Sumter County Museum. Make a unique wreath using native greenery. All supplies are provided, and lunch is included. Members $25, non-members $30. You must register in advance by calling the Museum at 803-775-0908 or registering online atsumtercountymuseum.org.
- The 35th Annual Fantasy of Lights kicks off on Thursday, December 1st at 6 PM at Swan Lake Iris Gardens. Everyone is welcome to join us for a ceremony that night, where we host a community countdown to bring in the holiday season. The lights are on from that point every night, Sunday through Thursday until 9 PM and Fridays and Saturdays they are on until 10 PM.
- Santa’s Village returns this year at the Heath Pavilion. Kids can write letters to Santa and take pictures with Santa (bring your own camera, of course) and the entire family can enjoy a variety of holiday music and entertainment each night - all activities are free.
- Want to see more Christmas lights, our tourism department has developed a map of Sumter where there are concentrated areas of Christmas lights… get out and explore!
- Thank you to our litter clean-up volunteers for our Community Clean-up Days this year. We have another clean-up coming up on Saturday, December 17. To register to help, contact our Litter Officer at sumtersc.gov/litter.
- City Council meetings are held on the first Tuesday and third Tuesday of each month in the Sumter Opera House (enter through the back entrance off the parking lot). Public comments may also be submitted online anytime through our website at sumtersc.gov/council/meetings, or city citizens can contact the Mayor or their Council Representative any time prior to any meeting to discuss a concern or idea you may have for the City. For our regularly scheduled meetings, agendas are announced the Friday before each meeting on our website and include links to detailed agenda items as well as location and more. Our next regularly scheduled meetings are on December 6th at 1 PM and December 20th at 5:30 PM.