- Council held two public hearings last night. While our facilities are still closed to the public because of the COVID-19 pandemic, we gave residents three ways to submit comments, via email, via public comment form on our website and we also set up a comment station at the rear entrance to the Opera House, so we could allow for in-person comments while maintaining appropriate physical distancing measures, set forth by the CDC. A copy of the documents for both of these hearings was made available for viewing through our website at sumtersc.gov, through each department via phone/email request, and/or in The Sumter Item Newspaper.
- The first public hearing was on the Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report for the federal HUD funding. This report is how the City utilized it’s Entitlement funds of over $306 thousand dollars this past year. The City also holds a series of public meetings as well as a public hearing before we allocate those funds as well. This report basically solidifies that we spend the funding where we promised in the beginning – things like homeowner sewer improvements and other housing repairs, demolition, historic preservation, United Ministries Housing Repair Program, Summer Youth Employment programs, and youth services at the YMCA.
- The second public hearing, this month, was on our fiscal year budget planning. We always request public comments on how we are purposing to spend funds. Current projections, show City’s expenditures have grown by four percent, while revenues by only two percent. Council is currently working with staff and holding workshops to continue to bring our budget into full compliance and a balanced budget by July 1, with the goal of not increasing our millage (taxes).
- Council approved the expenditure of approximately $1.2 million for the acquisition of new equipment for various departments around the city. Replacing equipment is crucial to keep city services working properly and in a timely manner. Most of this equipment will replace older equipment that will be traded, utilized elsewhere, or sold at our government bid site: govworldauctions.com. New equipment includes:
- Rescue Truck and appurtenances,
- Recycling Truck,
- Shuttle Truck for Recycling,
- three Dump Trucks,
- Excavator,
- SCBA Compressor, and
- additional Firefighter Protective Gear.
- Council approved a resolution to help assist the State DOT on the possible relocation of utility lines to make way for improvements to the intersection of McCrays Mill Road and Pinewood Road. This intersection was recently named as one of the most dangerous intersections in the City through our Transportation Plan.
- Council approved the annexation requests from two property owners:
- One 4.25 acre parcel located on Electric Drive,
- One 4.13 acre parcel located on Green Swamp Road, and,
- Four parcels totaling 2.81 acres located Wise Drive.
- Council approved a sewer line extension along Green Swamp, which connects two existing lines the area between Broad Street extension.
- The state is still under a state of emergency for COVID-19 pandemic. We along with other cities across the state are working to slowly reopen while using an abundance of caution.
- While the city-wide curfew was lifted on May 6 – basically we didn’t renew the expired ordinance, most of our offices still remain closed to public access.
- All City and County parks have now reopened; however, with limitations. Due to liability, restrooms and playground equipment are currently not available for use – this is for not only the public’s protection but that of our staff and volunteers as well.
- Events and group functions over three persons are also prohibited on City property at this time.
- Our Utility Billing office is the first to reopen the lobby to customers. Social distancing measures are in place and they are limiting the number of people in the lobby at one time to three. Other customers must wait outside, while also keeping a 6-foot distance between other customers.
- Currently, all other office facilities are closed to public access; however, they are open for business. Please check out our website at sumtersc.gov for our departments and call them directly to keep your services and/or business running smoothly.
- The City is supporting Mental Health Awareness month this May. Many may see green ribbons donning trees, utility poles, and fences around the City. These green ribbons are a reminder that we all experience tough times in our lives and that we support open discussion on mental health, especially during this trying time of COVID-19. We encourage everyone to remember:
- Pause and breathe.
- Take breaks from COVID discussion, news and content.
- Make time to exercise and get a good night’s sleep.
- Reach out to your friends and love ones around you to stay connected, and
- Seek help from a professional if you feel overwhelmed or unsafe.
- Santee-Wateree Community Mental Health Center is hosting a drive-through event on Friday, May 22 from 12-2 PM. They are located at 801 N. Pike West in Sumter. This is a free event and will help show support for mental health programs and staff. All visitors are instructed to stay in your car. Their staff will be sharing program and service information as well as have various goodies to share with visitors. For more info about Mental Health Services in Sumter, you may also call 803-775-9364.
City Council meetings are Regular City Council meetings are held on the first Tuesday at 1 PM and on the third Tuesday at 5:30 PM. While on a normal schedule our meetings can be attended in person in the Council Chambers on the 4th floor of the Opera House, with the exception of July. Currently, all of our meetings are being held virtually. Residents may watch our meetings online by visiting www.youtube.com/cityofsumter. Public comments may be submitted online throughout website at www.sumtersc.gov/council/meetings. Next month our meetings will be June 2 at 1 PM and June 16th at 5:30 PM.