- It’s budget season and Council has been hosting workshops in conjunction with our regular meetings as well as held a hearing last night to hear requests from the public. Staff along with Council is working hard to complete a balanced budget by June for our upcoming fiscal year. Currently we are looking at approximate expenditures for the year totaling just over $65 million dollars.
- Council also held a public hearing last night to discuss our Comprehensive Annual Performance and Evaluation Report for federal Housing and Urban Development (HUD). These are funds that in the past have been spent on sewer improvements, demolition program, historic preservation, housing repairs and down payments, Wateree AIDS Task Force, United Ministries, Youth Employment and more. Residents were given a chance to comment on how funds are spent. Additional comment period will be open from May 23-June 23, with all comments directed to the City’s Community Development Office at 803-774-1649.
- Council approved the rezoning of a parcel of land, located at 801 N. Main Street, across from Morris College. This parcel is planned to become retail space and upper story apartment living.
- Council is working to improve our Police Department Pistol and Rifle range. A primary training facility for our city police officers. The entire area is seeing an renovation with the additional approval of an automated target firing range system and equipment.
- The City of Sumter, along with representatives from South Carolina Department of Transportation will be hosting a public information meeting regarding upcoming intersection improvements to Pinewood Road and McCray’s Mill Road, on Thursday, May 25 from 5-7 PM. The meeting will be open to the public from 5-7 PM.
- A public comment period is now open for the new Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). The plan includes information on trails, bike lanes, sidewalks, paved shoulders, lane widening projects and more, including how projects are financed, revitalization projects and sales tax initiatives. Public comment period closes on June 9. All comments should be forwarded to the City Sumter Urban Area Transportation Study’s MPO Manager, Allen Yu at 803-774-1612.
- Downtown Development Board reports that there is currently $2 million in private investments currently being renovated into business and retail office space in the Central Business District. This does not include the Economic Development offices or the new Hyatt Place Hotel, currently under construction.
- Downtown Development Board is currently performing an audit of downtown facilities in preparation of additional retail space needs and requests coming from the private sector.
- Downtown Sumter will be the recipient of an award this summer from the Municipal Association of South Carolina. Film crews have been in town this week video tapping and announcements will be released as we get closer to the July state conference.
- We want to remind everyone that the City of Sumter administrative offices will be closed in observance of Memorial Day, Monday May 29, 2017. Public safety services and sanitation routes will continue on schedule, throughout the holiday.