- Council approved some upcoming projects around the community, including Alice Drive Fire Station additions and renovations, Milton Road sewer replacement project, from Jackson Street to Alberta Drive, Philips Street sewer replacement project and the new public safety campus, including a new Police Department Headquarters and a new Fire Department Headquarters to be located at 315/335 North Lafayette Drive, whose groundbreaking ceremony will be held on Monday, January 23rd at 2 PM.
- Council approved 2017-18 Community Development Block Grant funding, which will assist with our housing repair program, residential sewer improvements, youth employment program, YMCA Youth Services, Wateree Aids Task Force and the housing maintenance and repair through United Ministries.
- We invite area residents to participate in a three-day public workshop and discussion about the Shot Pouch Greenway Project. Greenways are corridors of land recognized for their ability to connect people and places together, often used for recreation, pedestrian and bicycle traffic. The workshops will include two public sessions, as well as meetings with trail side residents and other Sumter stakeholders. The public events are:
- Public Visioning Presentation: Tuesday, January 31 at 6:00 p.m.
- Property Owner Drop In: Wednesday, February 1 from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
- Public Workshop Presentation: Thursday, February 2 at 6:00 p.m.
- The City of Sumter is inviting the public to participate in a meeting regarding its update of the Historic Districts Design Guidelines on Thursday, January 26 at 6 PM in the City Centre, located adjacent to the Sumter Opera House in Downtown Sumter. The purpose of the public meeting is to inform property owners, tenants, and interested citizens about the project and to gather information on desired improvements to the current guidelines for both the Downtown and Hampton Park Historic Districts.
- The City Utility Billing Department, to include the, utility office, located on the first floor of the Sumter Opera House, as well as the drive thru bill payment and drop-off areas and the online bill pay service will be closed on Monday, January 23 for software upgrades. Customers will not be able to make any utility payments beginning at 12:01 AM on Monday, January 23, until 8:30 AM on Tuesday, January 24. Customers are encouraged to plan utility bill payments accordingly. The process of upgrading the software began two years ago by evaluating software companies that could provide much-needed upgrades in the customer information, utility billing and financial management software. After the upgrade, customers will see an updated account number. The updated account number will drop the first dash and add a zero after the second dash. (Example: If your account number was 012-3456-78 the updated account number is 0123456-078) Customers already enrolled in the City’s online pay system will automatically be enrolled in the same program with the new system. However, customers who pay by their own personal online banking system will need to update their new account number to make sure payments are applied correctly. Customers with questions about their new bill may contact the Utility Finance Office at 803-436-2541 or email [email protected].
- In observance of President’s Day holiday, City of Sumter Administrative offices will close Monday, February 20, 2017. Public safety offices as well as sanitation services, including trash, recycling and yard debris will continue to run throughout the holiday.
- Are you experiencing drinking water or sanitary sewer issues? The City of Sumter continually maintains our utility lines. If at any time, a city customer experiences issues, please call our 24-hour report line to report your physical address and the issue you are experiencing. Call 803-436-2558.
- The City does have property maintenance regulations, including codes pertaining to:
- Unsafe or dilapidated buildings,
- Junk cars or motor vehicles in yards,
- Illegal dumping,
- Accumulation of trash, junk or rubbish,
- Overgrown lots and yards, and
- Vacant Property Registry.
Residents with questions or to report violations should contact our codes enforcement office at 803-774-1602.