City of Sumter Junk Removal January 22-26, 2024

 For the week of January 22-26, 2024, the City of Sumter will be hosting a free, one-time residential Curbside Junk Removal service. City residential roll cart customers are allowed to place large, unwanted items at their curb for collection. All items must be sorted into specific piles by Sunday, January 21st. This program provides an opportunity for residents to dispose of items that are too large or bulky for regular trash collection.  Go to for more information and to register for updates. Please note that this service is not a replacement for your typical weekly garbage collection. This is an amnesty week, held one-time only for residential customers. This is being offered in addition to our normal services. The City of Sumter is working with a third-party vendor who specializes in large-scale cleanups. #lovesumter #sumtersc #junkremoval #litter #lovewhereyoulive #keepsumterclean #mayorsminute