Mayor's Minute

Council held three public hearings this month, to receive public comments on the following: Rezoning a 3.27-acre parcel, located at 410 South Main Street from light industrial-warehouse to heavy industrial. To allow garment alteration and repair shops/tailor shops to locate within a professional office zoning district.¬ Council authorized a contract to Hawkins & Kolb Construction, of Sumter, for...
Council held three public hearingsthis month, to receive public comments on the following: Construction of a 40-unit townhouse development within the commercial portion of Sumter West Subdivision on Constitution Drive and Brushwood Drive. Rezoning three parcels, located at 106, 108 and 112 Newberry Street from General Residential to Residential-6. They have also asked for the same parcels to be...
Council held three public hearings last night, to receive public comments on the following: Our community development entitlement funds report on how the City utilized $297,301, which included: Sewer improvements for two (2) LMI homeowners Demolition of twelve (12) structures Historic preservation for four (4) business façades Housing repairs on five (5) LMI occupants United Ministries nine (9)...
The City held four public hearings this month, to receive public comments on the following ordinances, all of which come with the Planning Commissions recommendation: To allow for the development of detached single-family residential units in Hampshire Estates located on Alice Drive Extension. This is not a new development. Most lots in this subdivision today are built with townhomes. If approved...
We are happy to report that the City of Sumter’s annual audit has been completed and our 3 rd party (external) auditor has presented us with the highest unmodified opinion that an entity can receive, further stating that “the City of Sumter has a very healthy unassigned reserve, that our finances are well controlled and that we are spending wisely.” A copy of the auditor’s full report is available...
The Sumter School Board recently voted to reopen Mayewood Middle School after it had been closed. Its students were assigned to a newly renovated and program-enriched R.E. Davis College Preparatory Academy. The vote to return about 140 students to Mayewood, located a little more than a mile away, was made without public notice and seems ill advised. Fortunately, because the vote was out of order...
Councilman Thomas “Bubba” Lowery was elected by the City Council to serve as Mayor Pro Tem, who will act in the absence of the Mayor, if needed. Council recognized over 60 employees this month that have been with the City for 10 years or more., including 14 of those who have been with us for 25 years or more (five in the fire department, four in police department, one in utility billing, one in...
The city has annexed and rezoned, at the owner’s request, 11.29 acres located at 1495 Camden Highway. The owner of this property will be constructing a gas station and convenience store. The City also transferred a 0.86 acre parcel located at 129 E. Hampton Street to Sumter County. This is the location of the old fire department headquarters, which will now become the Sumter County EMS facility...
Council approved changes to the city’s burn ordinance. This ordinance applies to all open burning and reuse burning within City limits. The ordinance clarifies some of the code to better manage safety and nuisance concerns. The changes clarify how campfires need to use clean wood and must be confined by a control device or structure, such as a barrel, fire ring or fire pit. It also defines...
Council approved maintenance agreements with Stafford Meadows and Heritage Bay Subdivision. Because water, sewer and storm water drainage are directly tied to the City’s system, it’s important for Council to assure these systems are built to the correct specifications, as not to hinder the current development nor any other. Council approved the sale of several city-owned properties in the central...