Thank you to our litter clean-up volunteers for coming out this past weekend for our Community Clean-up Day . We had over 200 volunteers that picked up almost 7,000 pounds of trash from our roads. We would like to plead to our community about the importance of clean streets. Litter blocks our...Read more
The City of Sumter is conducting a smoke test of its sanitary sewer system in the following Subdivisions, starting today, September 20, 2022: Stafford Meadows Patriot Parkway (Constitution St) Loringwood Landmark Point

A “SMOKE TEST” survey will assist our inspection...Read more


The City of Sumter recognizes that students are creative and care about the environment. In partnership with the Greater Sumter Chamber of Commerce, would like to introduce a new and fun contest to help spread the word about our Community Clean-Up Days and to show Sumter a little love by not...Read more

Our next Litter Community Clean-Up Day is scheduled for this Saturday, August 20th. Most teams will start around 8AM in various locations. Volunteers are a vital part of our success, so we want to invite you to join in the effort to keep our community clean. We support volunteers by providing free...Read more

We just want to say thank you to all the teachers, administrators, and support staff and all you do to make the school year successful and to make sure the children feel loved and they are in a space where they can learn and really take their education to the next level. If you have the...Read more

Mayor's Minute

David P. Merchant, Mayor of Sumter, South Carolina
A community investment information series from the City of Sumter, SC Mayor's Office.

Thank you for taking the time to visit the Mayor’s Minute, a community investment information series from the City of Sumter. The City of Sumter is committed to accountability and transparency, and it is my hope that this series extends this commitment to our residents and visitors.

In Sumter, we are blessed with a diverse community from all different backgrounds. Whether you are a military friend or a lifelong resident, we all call Sumter home and we want it to be the best home it can be. Sumter is home to multiple institutions of higher education, premier tourism destinations like Swan Lake Iris Gardens and a military friendly community in partnership with Shaw Air Force Base.

Ours is a city of uncommon patriotism and progressive spirit. Every day, I get to meet and talk with residents and community builders who are working to improve Sumter in their own way. This service shows that our people care about our city and community, and I hope the information on this webpage is helpful to you as you carry on in your tireless efforts.

As mayor, I am excited to welcome you to the City of Sumter and hope you will join me in exploring the educational, entrepreneurial and civic opportunities this community offers.

--Mayor David Merchant