News & Media

The City of Sumter works to ensure residents receive as much information as possible about all things relating to the City in a timely manner. In the News Room, you will find official press releases from the City, awards to the City, important services and project information from the Mayor, public service announcements, official city photos, links to social media accounts and more.

SUMTER, SC (March 22, 2016) – Sumter Mayor Joe McElveen paid tribute to the new pastor of Emanuel AME Church for her contributions locally by proclaiming today as “Dr. Betty Deas Clark Day.” McElveen presented Clark with a proclamation, which outlined her accomplishments in Sumter, and a...
Sumter, S.C. –Rocky LaPorte is one of those people you see and might ask yourself: Where do I know him from? He looks so familiar. The answer could be you saw him on Showtime’s “The Godfathers of Comedy,” Season 8 of NBC’s “Last Comic Standing,” or perhaps you saw him on the silver...
SUMTER, SC (January 6, 2015) – In an effort to shed light to the recovery efforts and needs from the October 2015 flood, City of Sumter Mayor Joe McElveen, along with the City of Columbia’s Mayor, Stephen Benjamin, visited Washington, DC today to request additional funding from the federal...
While the deadline for applications for physical damage is today, Businesses and Non-profits who suffered from an Economic Injury as a result of the October flooding have until July 5, 2016 to apply for Economic Injury Disaster Loans. These loans are designed to help meet working capital needs...
Don’t let your beautiful Christmas tree end up buried with the ugly trash. Take your Christmas tree to a “mulch” better place. Recycle your Christmas tree with the annual “Grinding of the Greens” sponsored by Sumter County Keep America Beautiful, Clemson Extension Service, Sumter County...
SUMTER, SC (DECEMBER 18, 2015) - The City of Sumter has announced that Swan Lake Iris Gardens, in its entirety, will re-open, Saturday, December 19. Following the October flood, the City has had over half of the gardens closed for repair, including the entire walkway along Liberty Street, all along...
SUMTER, SC (DECEMBER 15, 2015) - The City of Sumter launched a new webpage to allow owners of vacant residential structures within the City limits to register the property. Beginning January 1, 2016, registration will be mandatory. In April 2015, the City Council enacted an ordinance requiring...
The Home Builders Association of South Carolina and Building Industry Association (BIA) of Central South Carolina recently honored the Sumter City-County Building Inspection Department with the Champion of Housing award. The Champion of Housing Award is given to public organizations which provide...
Sumter, SC—December 2, 2015—Sumter’s annual Fantasy of Lights, now in its 28 th year, continues to work its holiday magic on visitors, who number approximately 100,000 every December. On December 1, the display was met with wonderment and appreciation by a tour group from northern Virginia...
COLUMBIA, S.C. – Governor Nikki Haley today announced that her request for a 30 day extension of the registration period for Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) Individual Assistance was granted. South Carolinians affected by October's heavy rains and historic flooding now have until...