City Council Approves 2024-2025 Road Paving Projects

City Council recently approved the state’s annual allocation of just over $1.3 of C-Funds (more commonly known as gas tax revenue) to resurface the following roads in city limits over the course of the next year:


City Streets:

      • Foxworth Street
      • G Street
      • K Street
      • Joe Lewis Park (including Armstrong Blvd, Ellington Street, Breun Avenue
      • Harry Avenue
      • Idelwide Subdivision (including Barefoot Court, Gadwell Circle, Widgeon Way)
      • Millwood Park Subdivision (including Exxes Drive, Ramsgate Court, Wildwood Avenue)


State Streets:

      • N. Brand Street
      • McCormick Drive
      • Morgan Avenue
      • Pear Street
      • Russell Avenue
      • S. Milton Road
      • Watkins Street
      • Webb Street
      • Wildwood Avenue
      • Alice Drive at Liberty Street Median Island Rehab


Annual road resurfacing projects are determined through an automated scoring system. This system helps prioritize the areas with the greatest need based on the condition of the existing pavement and available funds to complete the project.


We’ve also provided a map to view the locations of the roads above: Google Map 


Want to know more about the state C-Fund Program? Visit the South Carolina Department of Transportation - C-Program webpage.